Summary: The Influence Of Rap Music

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Rap Music’s Influence on Society Rap music is one of the most criticized genres in music. It has had a major effect on society since its uprising, with many different rappers sending out different messages. Due to this, rap is often associated with many negative aspects; however, rap music has had many positive effects on society as a whole. To begin with, rap music’s diversity has allowed its creativity to evolve over the years influencing today’s society. This includes its various influences on pop culture, for example, in style, speech, and dance. Rap has played a major role in the style of street wear, specifically in men, as many see rappers as role models. Also much of the slang words used by many across the world have originated from rap. Words such as twerk, YOLO, and ratchet, which may not be so popular now but nonetheless were still influenced by many rap songs. Also many different types of dances have been …show more content…

“Rap is often thought of as music of uncompromising authenticity in which staying true to the streets and ‘keeping it real’ is all-important.” However, Rap music had evolved to a point where talking about drugs, women, and partying is not the “cool” thing to do anymore. While some rappers still rap about those topics, the popularity of adding a message behind their music has grown exponentially over the years. Take the rapper Logic for example. The main messages he portrays in his music is Peace, Love, and Positivity, which he has stated himself throughout his journey to fame. Although his message is different from many in the rap game, he still provides that boastful and truthful type of rap that this genre of music’s foundation was set on. This in return shows how the use of rappers’ popularity can be used in a positive way while still keeping the inner essence of what makes rap music different than any