Rap Music Negatively Influenced Behavior

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Negatively influenced behavior is not the result of rap or hip hop music and does not encourage violence.
Rap music or Gangster music as the critiques like calling it and the hip-hop music are two genres of popular music which since their birth have played a great social role to shape up the communities. Artists have written songs about everything in the society including struggle, success, societal ills and many other human realities. Rap like any other kind of music is about artistry, expression, poetry, and entertainment through poetry beat matching. In the American history, rap and hip hop music have had a thing to do with revolution (Wing, 2015).
Many popular artists have managed to escape the hostile situation of poverty through their …show more content…

Over the time, it became common for the MCs (or rappers) to talk and rhyme over and in sync with the music." (p.1). Some of the early studies reveal that as the popularity of rap music increased, the crime in America also reduced. Others researchers have argued that there is no relativity between the rap music and any other genre of music with the crime rates. The arguments to the point that there is no relationship at all come from the fact that rap music and hip-hop music are the reflections of the society itself. Many rap music writes their lyrics according to their emotions and also how they see things happen in the community (Jabr, 2013). For example, the love a person has for a mother can influence him to compose the lyrics filled with emotions based on how he feels about his mother (the song Mama by 2pac). How society of the composer views the nature of being another will be well described in better in the lyrics including the core values and characters of the mothers in that society. If the crime rate is high in a village and the artist captures a crime scene that is not his suggestion to the views of the video to commit the crime but a simple reflection of what happens in the society.
The specific genre of rap music does not cause the crime in the society but other factors such …show more content…

In fact, they have revealed positive effects of listening to rap music on teenagers and young adults. These effects include creativity and increased school performance. Many American youths have in found a sports aspect in the rap and hip-hop music. They arrange lyrical battles face each other on stage. The art of making the lyrics and memorizing it is indeed a kind of therapy to the brain. They not only entertain but also train their brains to understand things easily and acquire creativity (Jabr, 2013). Such events do not give them reason and time to commit crimes but to enlighten themselves and reach their potential positively. For the adults, things are not different. Many get inspiration from rap music. It has become a behavior for people to jog or work out in the gym when rap music is playing. The psychology intellectuals call it a psychological workout. Athletes jog and run when listening to music because it inspires them to run bike and swim further and for long without even noticing it. This indicates a positive influence of rap music that is far much different from what the critics

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