Summary: The Socialization Of New Graduate Nursing

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The socialization of new graduate registered nurse into the field of practice is a pivotal event that helps to develop professional identity as a registered nurse. The process of organisational socialization includes three phases; phase one that includes new employee characteristics, new employee behaviours, organisational efforts, phase two that includes adjustments for new employees and phase three that includes new employee outcomes (Phillips, Esterman & Kenny, 2015). Many factors such as relatedness, internal motivation, role model, theory-practice incongruence, educational experiences and tacit knowledge are important factors to improve professional socialization (Zarshenas et al, 2014). These factors help new graduate nurses transition …show more content…

Professional socialization is a process that involves an acquisition of the knowledge, skills that makes one effective member of a profession by internalizing one’s behavioural norms, standards to form a professional identity and commitment towards a field of practice (Melrose et al, 2012). New graduate registered nurses need to continue to gain knowledge, skills even after completion of their study. Nursing is an ongoing learning process throughout the nursing career as it is based on an evidence based practice. New graduate nurses gain knowledge and skills by socializing into a field of practice. According to Phillips, Esterman & Kenny (2015), the process of socialization involves three phase. The first phase includes new employee characteristics, new employee behaviours and organisational efforts. New graduate nurses’ personality trait affects how quickly they could be socialized into the field of practice. Communication with health care teams and positive role models are important factors to form professional identity and show commitment towards profession. The new graduate nurses who can easily adapt to a field of practice with effective …show more content…

Socialization into a field of practice also means building good interpersonal rapport with healthcare teams in order to provide quality of care to the patients. New graduate nurses need to learn specific language and organisational values to communicate with interprofessional healthcare team and be a part of it. World Health Organisation (2010) stated that the interprofessional healthcare team is beneficial to optimise skills of team and share case management to provide effective health services. Therefore, new graduate nurses need to work with other professional members of team to provide holistic care to the patients. Working in the interprofessional healthcare team also makes them feel that they have responsibilities towards team and patients. New graduate nurse should seek information about working environment from senior nurses and seek feedback from them in order to get proper guidance to improve their skills. New graduate nurses need to gain knowledge and also use it in their practice. They should get feedback from qualified and experienced nurses to ensure that they are in right tract in a patient care. In addition, organisational efforts including support for new staffs to get feedback as well as allocation of highly qualified staffs to orientate the new staffs is