Persuasive Essay On The Super Bowl

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There were numerous of insanely and outlandish commercials during the Super Bowl of 2015. Most of the commercials would have to advertise sex, kids, animals, or randomness in order to appeal audience. Then there are ads like the Dodge commercials. It sends a message that needs to be sent - respect wisdom. Social media can be cruel and demeaning, especially to elderly people. The 30 second Dodge commercial that aired during the 2015 Super Bowl started off pleasant, but that took a major turn quickly! While the elderly featured in the commercial were giving a valuable advice to the audience, they then become a little somewhat aggressive. For their Super Bowl commercial, Dodge decided to recruit some amazing and well spoken centenarians to drop some wisdom on all of our collective heads. Many audiences questioned why? The answer is quite simple, because Dodge is 100 years old too. Growing up we all were told to always respect our elders and importantly to listen to the wisdom they have gained along the way. This is all the more true when the subject in question has passed …show more content…

The spot celebrates the Dodge brand that dates back to 1914 and is filled with advice from people as old, or older than the brand itself. Among the pearls of wisdom: "live fast" and "never ever forget where you came from." The spot ends with the conclusion: "You learn a lot in 100 years. Here 's to the next 100." Dodge may be considered many things, safe, practical, eco-friendly perhaps, but as the most popular car brand in America now has 100 years old wisdom to be better and faster. As I Watched the commercial over and over again -as Reginald Gooch, Connie Sawyer and others share their wisdom with us. In the more than 100 years they have lived, they learned to live for the moment, put the pedal to the metal and never forget where they came from. These people, with the help of Dodge, teach us what it takes to live at your