Super Typhoon Yolanda Case Study

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A. Background of the Study: Change has been a difficult facet of life. It is in the experience of change that one becomes aware of the need for refinement and that nothing is permanent in this world. It is inevitable and part of one’s existence. Hence, change does not always pertain to something tough. There are changes that humans can benefit. Looking into the world’s phenomenon, change is evident that today through vast advancements of technology Life becomes easier. However, this phenomenon leads to destruction of this world as well. The world is constantly changing. The modernity of time has enormous impact to every individual as well as in our society. It becomes more beneficial as technological progresses. However, there were many infrastructures and factories being built which pollutes our fresh air, bodies of water, etc. Ironically, due to these changes and progress it came to the point that environment becomes one of the most neglected sector in the society. It seems that in doing such massive advancements in the world, natural environment becomes least priority. In 2013, Philippines had experienced the severe resentment of nature. When the super typhoon Yolanda (International Name: Haiyan) came, that was said to be the strongest typhoon ever. It killed many Filipinos and millions worth of properties were destroyed. Some would say that this catastrophe is due to ecological imbalance and the worst reality of it is due to the negligence of man. Man tends to be