Supervisor Reflection

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About two years ago our unit was assigned a new supervisor. The new supervisor had an investigative background, with no prior knowledge of dealing with gangs or gang culture. Initially, he was very receptive to the fact that certain individuals in the unit were asked to present gang material to schools, businesses, and organizations. In the begin, only one other coworker and I would do the presentations, due to the fact we had the most knowledge and were P.O.S.T( Police Officer Standard Training) certified to instruct. In fact, the new supervisor was in support of us receiving our certifications. Also very few in the unit could make the commitment to do the presentations, seeing that sometimes they were in the evenings and weekends. We were …show more content…

I did not think anything of it until I was talking to one of the new presenters and he advised me that he did not want to them and that they were making him do them anyway. When I asked the supervisor why did he not want me presenting anymore and making other people in the unit do presentations that did not want the responsibility. His response was rude, short, and without any real explanation. I just did not respond nor did I react. My response was non-confrontational. First of all, he is my first line supervisor, and I did not want to get into an argument with him, that would lead to a reprimand. We have had conversations in the past about the type of effort you receive when you coerce someone to complete a task. I did not want to respond to the actions because I was afraid of what I might say in the heat of the moment. He advised that his reasons for not allowing me to present anymore were his choice to make. If there were no consequence, I would choose to tell him about how I felt regarding his decision not to allow me to present anymore, and in my place send someone who lacks the commitment. Therefore not representing the unit accurately and