Surviving The Angel Of Death Sparknotes

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In Surviving the Angel Of Death: The True Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz written by Eva Mozes Kor and Lisa Rojany Buccieri tells the story of Eva and Miriam Kor’s time in the Nazi death camp Auschwitz. The day of their arrival to Auschwitz they were seperated from their family for being identical twins. The dawning horror that the events occurring to Eva and Miriam are not some horrific nightmare but their actual reality. From shaving their heads to painting large red x’s over the back of their clothing the SS officers were making sure that they were not going to escape. Eva struggles against the systematic branding the SS officers were doing created a blurred image because she no long wish to be a “sheep” while Miriam held still (pgs …show more content…

The people under his command are anxious around him as he makes his rounds and the children fear him (pg 38). Some of the children made liked Doctor Menegele and his crafted persona even calling him “Uncle Mengele” but Eva and others knew to be terrified (pg 45). Even the smaller children get the sense to not make noise around the man and his entourage. Eva’s first thought was that he was about how handsome he was walking through the barrack with white gloves and a baton (pg 38). Doctor Josef Mengele never went anywhere without an entourage of eight and carried himself with an air of confidence from his position and all the experiments he had done (pg 38). The Doctor had a reputation as the “Angel of Death” and the twins along side his own staff knew that this man was dangerous. Doctor Josef Mengele was dangerous because of that reputation and confidence he had from his horrifc …show more content…

Eva’s fear of stealing the potatoes didn’t stop her from taking them to keep her and her sister alive. Eva’s fear of Doctor Mengele didn’t stop her from surviving the disease she was injected with. When she was supposed to die she didn’t, she persisted through all of the horrors she faced and continued to do so when the Nazi left Auschwitz. Upon their return they shot machine guns into the crowd she was in but she woke up and got back to her sister (pg 80-81). Eva and Miriam survived and went home to their original family