Swot Analysis Of Nestle

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SWOT analysis of Nestlé:
 Nestlé is recognized as one of the largest and most powerful food producer globally, having factories innearly every country over the world and employ over 280,000.
 Nestlé are low cost operators and produces low cost products that ensure them having the upper handon competition and benefits the consumer by providing affordable products.
 Nestlé has a powerful brand positioning in the consumers mind and its product portfolio containsroughly 6,000 brands and is ranked as the largest bottled water corporation that operates in anenvironmental friendly manner.
 Globally, Nestlé is the biggest ice-cream producer, having a market share of approximately 17.5%(2006).
 The business strategy of CEO, Peter Brabeck stresses the importance of internal growth by increasingsales volume by renovating existing products and innovating new products. His explanation of renovation is that “to just keep pace in the industry, you need to change at least as fast as consumer expectations.” Brabeck explains that, “to maintain a leadership position, you also need to leapfrog, tomove faster and go beyond what consumers will tell you.” this strategy has led Nestlé achieving theirinternal growth targets.
 The joint venture of Nestlé and General Mills benefitted both parties due to the experience and brandrecognition of General Mills. General Mills products are widely distributed and have the leading brandof yoghurt in the U.S. The trust consumers have for