
Symbolism In 13 Reasons Why

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Discoveries can be confronting and provocative, however we can learn and grow from these discoveries. Personal growth through discovery is how I feel we should live our lives. Without discovery, we become stagnant. Discovery can be gradual and take time or they can be fast, unexpected and exciting. There are several areas of discovery which include self-discovery, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical. Discovery can be achieved by discovering or realizing something for the first time or rediscovering something that has been lost or hidden. The journey of discovery seen in Thirteen Reasons Why, gives us an insight into how situations and our own behavior can affect others, sometimes in a positive way, but also in this case, a negative …show more content…

Her discovery of cruel taunts, betrayal, humiliation and isolation by not only her peers, but also her parents, became an overwhelming situation and ultimately lead to her own suicide. Hannah leaves behind 13 recorded tapes for 13 different people, who she believes, each contributed in some way to her taking her life. This in turn takes each tape recipient, on their own journey of discovery. Thirteen Reasons Why is a story of emotional, intellectual and self-discovery. The use of symbolism when referring to Hannah’s blue nail polish associates the use of the same blue nail polish to write names on the recorded tapes. Clay also refers to the blue nail polish, relating it to the first day that he met Hannah and seeing her wearing it the day she died. The blue colour is symbolic of death and its finality. “Your fingernails were dark blue”. Clays statement “I hardly knew Hannah Baker, I mean I wanted to know her more than I had, but I never had the chance, ‘ironically, after Hannah’s death, Clay got to know Hannah through her tapes and began his own discovery journey when he realized that he too, in Hannah’s eyes, contributed to her …show more content…

Poems such as Mending Wall and Home Burial show a deeper meaning such as love, grief, conflict in many ways and discovery of differences in opinion and separation of thoughts and emotions. Robert Frost was a sad man with many heartbreaking life experiences. In his life, he buried 4 out of his 6 children, as well as his beloved wife. His poem, Mending wall, refers to repairing the rock wall separating 2 properties. The First neighbor cannot understand why they neighbor wants to mend the wall. “There are no cows to be contained “The neighbor replies with “A good fence makes a good neighbor”. Metaphorically Frost is trying to break the everyday barrier between the neighbors’ persistence fails and he discovers that you cannot always influence people to think and have the same opinion as yourself. Aspects of self-discovery are seen in this poem. Knowing ourselves, relating to others and understanding differences all relate to

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