Symbolism In Greece, The Brass Kingdom

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Greece, the Brass Kingdom Greece is mentioned in the book of Daniel through symbolism, and the one mentioned in king Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a statue is especially fascinating. Many wonder why God would have given this non-Christian king this dream, Ellen White said in Prophets and Kings, that God has given this dream to the king mainly to let him know that there is a powerful God who controls the time, the kingdoms, and the people (503). The historical record validates Greece as the third kingdom refereed to in Daniel two, proving God’s word to be true. The statue of king Nebuchadnezzar’s dream decreases its value from top to bottom, but the strength of the metal increases. As Daniel gives the interpretation, he refers the head of gold as Babylon, arms and chest of silver as Medo-Persia, belly and thighs of brass as Greece, legs of iron as Rome, and feet of iron and clay as the divided Europe. Even though Greece is not significantly mentioned throughout the Bible like Babylon, Medo-Persia, Rome, or divided Europe, it is …show more content…

Historically, this period is known as Hellenistic Era when Alexander the Great conquered the world (Mark, “Alexander the Great”). Though this supremacy of Greece over massive amount of land, language united many of the nations together (Keller, 339). It is said that Greece attacked the Medo-Persians to quench their thirst of revenge upon the Medo-Persians because of many reasons, one of them being the burning of Acropolis (Mark, “Alexander the Great”). Even though the revenge was successful and Greece had the period of being the supreme power for approximately 150 years, the depression and the death of Alexander the Great greatly affected the Greek until it was conquered by the Romans (Keller, 321; Cruzer). This sequence is exactly what was prophesied, and we have the evidence through