Symbolism In Troy's Fences

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The way Troy had a bad experience with sport baseball and what he went through in the past is what developed his character in the book “Fences”. In the beginning of the book we get introduced to a character named Troy and he is a father and husband; we also get told that he used to play baseball growing up and how he only grew up with a father who in his words was “so evil”; for a short period of time before he moved out on his own. Troy is African American and with him being African American and growing up during a racist time he didn’t get very far with baseball and because of that it spun his life in a spiral and he’s never forgotten about it. In the beginning of Fences Troy is talking to Bono and Rose and Bono brings up Troy’s son Corey playing football and even having a recruiter coming to check him out. Troy doesn’t like this and talks about how playing sports got him nothing in life and times are still the same and Corey’s going to end up that way. This is significant because it already shows how …show more content…

For example in the story Troy describes death as a fastball on the outside corner and that he could hit a home run with it. He also brings up baseball when explaining his affair to his wife as her being “safe” but once he met alberta he wanted to “steal second”. As you can see Troy doesn’t want his baseball dreams and glory to go and he’s gonna keep brining them up as much as he can. Another symbolic thing that happened is Troy and Cory got into an altercation and Cory picks up Troys baseball as a weapon against. Troy seemed offended because he was saying things “like thats my bat” and “put my bat down”. This is significant because it shows Troy’s character and true personality when it comes to baseball and shows how much it really meaned to him. On the other hand it also shows his bitterness towards anything that tries to come in between him and