Symptoms And Treatment Of Dyslexia In Children

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Grace Burns Period 2
Taepot. Teaopt. Teatop. Teopat. Tapeot. Taptoe. And there are 30 more ways to spell the simple word, teapot. Difficult? Imagine trying to do it every time you pass a billboard or imagine trying to read aloud in class as an elementary school student. Difficult now? Terrifying, I believe is more appropriate. Dyslexia is the most common learning disability found in children all over the world, in fact, 80% of all learning disabilities are diagnosed as dyslexia. This genetic disease affects the wiring of the brain causing difficulty in comprehension, the ability to process words read and sounds spoken to them, the organization of thoughts, and the expression of oneself. The causes of dyslexia can vary as can the …show more content…

And although these are similar to dyslexia, the most similar happens to be another well-known disorder called Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD. Sixty percent of children diagnosed with ADHD also have been diagnosed with …show more content…

Most people hear a series of sounds that mean something to them but dyslexics hear the same series of sounds that sometimes doesn’t register as something that they know. From a neurological perspective, different types of writing systems need different abilities from the brain in order to read, write, and spell. Because different writing systems in different languages may need to use different parts of the brain to process speech in one language, children with reading problems in one language might not have one in a language with a different orthography. The brain skills required to read, write, and spell can vary between writing systems. As a result, if someone were to speak English and have dyslexia in the brain patterns that are needed to speak Chinese then because of the different orthography of the language then they would be dyslexic in