Symptoms Of Schizophrenia Essay

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Most people don’t know what it’s like to live with a mental illness. People have fights with themselves battling to stay strong. Schizophrenia is a dreadful disorder because the person develops bad symptoms, the ability to think, and suffers hallucinations. People need to know the symptoms of the disease and how to deal with them. Usually schizophrenia isn’t easily diagnosed because many of the symptoms can be related to other mental illnesses. Symptoms of schizophrenia begin to show around the ages 17-30. It affects both males and females equally. Males start to have their first episode in their 20s and women in their late 20s. There are negative symptoms like not feeling motivated to do things as much. People usually tend to isolate themselves and have trouble sleeping (How). Emotional symptoms are usually negative and involve harsh feelings. They have a tendency to develop more violent behaviors and become very paranoid (Understanding). Without full control of the brain the person is unable to think.Schizophrenia incarcerates the brain from having the ability to think clearly. Cognitive symptoms is what affects the persons process to think and it can be both positive or negative. People may …show more content…

Most people are unaware of their schizophrenic illness because their hallucinations and delusions seem so real. Sometimes they feel that they are being accused of something or that others are trying to control them. Many of them don’t believe that they are sick. They also don’t want to take medication because of the fear of side effects or that it might be poisonous. Their hallucinations seem so real to them they don’t know the difference between their reality. The most common kind of hallucination is hearing voices rather than seeing and feeling. Even thought their hallucinations can range from anything. They also tend to be antisocial because they are scared of someone attacking them