Synergy In Law Enforcement Essay

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Law enforcement organizations within the United States make up certain aspect of our nation’s workforce, one that includes the public trust and should equally represent of all aspects of society. If the subordinate groups are treated unequally or unfairly, this could have devastating impacts for the particular agency if negatively impacted intentionally or as well as unintentionally through instructional discrimination (McNamara & Burns, 2009, p. 14). According to the Department of Homeland Security law enforcement organizations can be impacted by but not limited to, acts of terrorism, malicious activity in cyberspace, pandemics, manmade accidents, transnational crime, and natural disasters ("Risk Management Fundamentals," 2011). With these types of incidents law enforcement agencies should be working together as a fine oiled machine, not one with division within its ranks. At the Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) under our Strategic Plan we are to conduct certain exercise planning, operations, with federal, as well as state and local agencies for operational readiness, these plans are created and filed at research, planning and developed ("Risk Management …show more content…

If there happens to be a split or a distrust from unequally of unfair treatment; this would effect the synergy of the organization and could also affect the organization's business plan, from the standpoint that risks that occur from the potential threats would keep the organization from obtaining its selected strategy, and affect the company’s overall targets and intentions. In addition the operational risk that are associated will discrimination are time consuming, not only does it impact actual personnel, but affects time, materials, and training as well as the quality of work provided to the citizens of this state ("Risk Management Fundamentals,"