Synopsis Of The Play 'Our Town' By Thornton Wilder

674 Words3 Pages

Erin Madden
Mrs. d’Alelio
Acting Ensemble
20, December 2017
Our Town By Thornton Wilder
The Trumpet Shall Sound (1926)
The Angel That Troubled the Waters and Other Plays (1928):
"Nascuntur Poetae"
"Proserpina and the Devil"
"Fanny Otcott"
"Brother Fire"
"The Penny That Beauty Spent"
"The Angel on the Ship"
"The Message and Jehanne"
"Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came"
"And the Sea Shall Give Up Its Dead"
"The Servant's Name Was Malchus"
"Mozart and the Gray Steward"
"Hast Thou Considered My Servant Job?"
"The Flight Into Egypt"
"The Angel That Troubled the Waters"
The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays in One Act (1931):
The Long Christmas Dinner
Queens of France
Pullman Car Hiawatha
Love and How to Cure It
Such Things Only Happen in Books
The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden
Our Town (1938)
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In act one the audiences is introduced to the “Stage Manager” who familiarizes them with the small town of Grover's Corner, New Hampshire, where the play is set and the characters who live there. The audiences gets a brief history of the town from Professor Willard who teaches at the state university. The act continues as a normal day in the quaint town , seeing the paper and milk being delivered by Joe Crowell and Howie Newsom, and the Webb and Gibbs children (Emily and Wally Webb, George and Rebecca Gibbs) head off to school. It is seen that the children are close