Syntactical Analysis Paper

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Each individual word is analyzed according to their components called morphemes. Whereas, non-token words such a punctuations are separated. Morphology is concerned primarily with the errand of braking words into morphemes. A morpheme is a minimal meaningful unit of language that can't be broken down further. Modification typically occurs by the addition or removal of prefixes and/or postfixes but other textual changes can also take place. For example, word "happy" consist of a single morpheme as it can't be broken down further. Whereas word "cats" consist of 2 morphemes i.e. morpheme "cat" and morpheme "s" which indicate plurality.

Syntax Analysis
This stage also comprises of lexical analysis, which checks the validity of words according to the lexicon. Lexicon stands for dictionary. It makes the collection of all possible valid words of the language along with its meaning.
Syntactical Analysis is performed after that. It study the formal relationship between the words of sentences according to grammar rules. It …show more content…

Computerized Clinical Decision Support (CDS) aims to aid decision making relating to the health care providers and the public. It provides a mechanism involving easy accessibility of health-related information at any point and time, when needed. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is instrumental in using free-text information stored in database over cloud to drive CDS. Thus, representing clinical knowledge and CDS interventions in standardized formats, which is widely acceptable and understood by everyone. The early innovative NLP research of clinical narrative was followed by a period of stable research conducted at the major clinical centers and a shift of mainstream interest to biomedical NLP. This review focuses on the recently renewed interest in development of fundamental NLP methods and widely available cloud environment, which will provide intuitive features to its