Synthesis Essay On Technology In America

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America today is surrounded by technology. From going to school or work and using computers, to checking social media on our phones, to being able to communicate with anyone through our devices, America has become a technologically advanced country. But, is society learning enough and more through this constant use of technology, or are generations becoming distracted, decreasing their knowledge overtime? While some people may not be searching for hours in a library for a specific article in a book, humans are still enduring large amounts of text through being able to find that article, and many other articles, online. The amount of information that people are acquiring because of the advancing technology in the modern world, is increasing …show more content…

For instance, source two discusses how IQ scores have only continued to rise since the 1930s. With advancing technology, students are able to learn quicker and more efficiently, with technology that contains millions of discussions about different topics. In source two, the author states that the IQ tests are testing, “...pure thinking capacity– what cognitive scientists call fluid intelligence…” (Begley Source 2). Today’s high tech-based world increases student’s pure intelligence, with the constant reading and writing that is found online for students to study and form their own opinions on. Through the continuous amount of research that is found online, student’s are able to exercise their brains more frequently, building their intelligence through the media's immense amount of articles, opinions, facts, etc… Source four also believes that media is helpful for society, as the author provides a personal experience of being able to find information quicker and easier. For example, “Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes” (Carr Source 4). Being able to access more information faster helps people’s learning processes, as they’re able to learn with a variety of information about specific topics, in seconds. The increased amount of text that people have access to through media creates “...passive channels of information. [Information supplies] the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought” (Carr Source 4). Technology today shapes student’s thoughts through numerous opinions, articles, essays, arguments, etc… found online, forming a more efficient learning