
Taming Of The Shrew Movie Vs Play

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Humans emotions have not changed over the course of hundreds of years, which is one reason as to why Shakespeare’s plays are known as timeless and are still relevant in this modern world. This has been shown by the way ‘10 things I hate about you’ has taken aspects of ‘Taming of the Shrew’. The themes, plots, attitudes, beliefs and characters have all been adopted by the filmmaker, but have slightly changed elements, to make it appealing to a modern audience. Whilst human emotions do not change, and there are many movies with very similar themes and beliefs, the film would not be compared to the original play unless the plot was at least somewhat similar. The plot in ‘10 things I hate about you’ has been drawn from the storyline in ‘The Taming …show more content…

The themes present in the film and play are the themes of illusion, love and materialism. The filmmaker has tried to implement the original themes of the play, into the movie, but with a more modernised twist. The theme of illusion is similar in both the play and the film, however, some of the aspects of it have changed. In the original play, disguise was the main way illusion made its way into the play, such as when Lucentio disguised as Bianca’s Latin tutor, however in the film, mistaken identity is the way illusion makes its way into the film, such as Kat being seen as a rude and obnoxious girl by everyone, but is instead really nice and considerate, a complete opposite. The second theme, about love, shows more of a difference between the play and film. In the play, the theme was about marriage, or more specifically the obedience of women in marriage. This theme has been changed to the more open theme of love for because marriage usually occurred much younger in Elizabethan times, so to be transposed into modern times would have to have the characters much older, but this would be less relating to the teenage demographic in which it was designed for, so the simpler theme of love was chosen. The final theme about materialism has not made any changes because the message it was designed to teach has remained the same from Shakespearean times to today. The portrayal of themes has slightly been altered in the film to allow for the beliefs and values to be displayed more

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