Taming Of The Shrew: Self Analysis

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Over the course of the last two months I have met with David and seen significant improvement in his reading skills. During our initial meeting, David was struggling with recalling information from the text, reading slowly, and recognizing multi syllable words. The first text I assigned David was not very challenging for him so I decided to have him read Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. David was interested in reading this play because it was similar to the types of texts he was going to be assigned in school. He previously stated that he was having trouble reading the Odyssey and expressed that he wanted to understand these texts so he can participate more in class. After assessing David with various strategies to help him read from Kylene Beers book When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do, he was slowly began to show confidence in the text we were reading.
Since The Taming of the Shrew is fairly short, I decided that we to focus on the entire play for our meetings. We read a large chuck of the …show more content…

The first time I introduced this strategy I explained to him that this is another form of analyzing the text and could help him break down certain quotes or sections that he struggled with. During that meeting I had him analyze at least three quotes of from the text so I could make sure that he understood the strategy while I was there. Seeing that David was more comfortable with the play after listening to it and reading aloud, I had assigned him to read up to the end of act three independently so we could discuss during our next meeting. I told him the use the double journal entry to help him break down the texts so he could clarify what he read since he would be reading alone and without me. This session with David was the longest we met lasting two hours, but it helped set up the foundations for the strategies he would be