Target Swot Analysis Essay

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Vendors are the venders used in the production and finishing of products ordered by Target. With all vendors, Partners Online, an external website used to communicate critical information and comprehensive direction, annual vendor meetings, and training and workshops. Target’s owned-band vendors, annual assessment, annual owned-brand vendor meeting, Clean by Design pilot program, partnering with vendors to find ways to reduce environmental impact, and Sustainable Apparel Coalition partnership involving direct engagement with vendors on ways to improve social and environmental performance in the supply chain. Target Corporation is the third largest “big box” discount store operator in the US, after Walmart and Costco. Target currently has …show more content…

Target is well liked store by customers and a fun place to shop. Brand loyalty is something Target has built a high level of as well as being fashionable and more appealing to younger customers. Target has the ability to present itself as a middle class brand. Target’s weaknesses consist of how many people like the connivence of smaller neighborhood stores. Target has also failed to change its business model to adapt the changing times around them. Only recently has Target started more of an aggressive push on their online store. Target has also failed to tap some potentially rich areas of retail. These areas would've including filing station and financial services. Target does not have a fueling station unlike Kroger which is America’s favorite fuel retailer. Target hasn’t branched out to those areas yet and if Target ever does, they will have a tough competition. Target’s opportunities include its reputation as a strong appeal to online customers as a fashion retailer. April 2015, Target’s promotion of Lily Pulitzer products actually crashed the site because it was so popular. New sales channels, such as smaller neighborhood stores, same day delivery and click and pull could increase Target’s sale volume. Target is a urban brand in a country that’s becoming more urbanized. Lastly Target is better suited for millennial shopper which are people who entered adulthood after the