Tariq Hasan Character Analysis

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Another reason, misconception creates a difficult situation for people in Borderline is hiding about your son. In this novel the FBI considers “Dr. Sabiri” a threat by contacting and meeting with a guy name “Tariq Hasan,” which the FBI assume is a terrorist, and nobody knows about “Tariq Hasan”, but “Dr. Sabiri” does and he hides it from the public and even his family, which puts him in a complex situation. Firstly, “Sami,” says to one of the FBI members, “Tariq Hasan? Who’s Tariq Hasan? (pg. 142).” This shows that “Dr. Sabiri’s” son doesn’t even know, and that since “Tariq Hasan” whereabouts are unknown, the FBI is more suspicious of “Tariq Hasan.” Secondly, “Sami” discovers “Tariq Hasan” is his half-brother and that the entire situation