
Tasha Character Analysis

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Tasha nevers refer to God or rely on him for answers to the things that happened to her in her life until the end of the novel. After the sudden and unexpected death of Imani, Tasha goes into a state of depression. She blames herself for the death of her daughter because she did not check on her the moment before the shooting. As a result of her depression, she decides to go to the New Light of Covenant church. Tasha says “I aint set out to come to New Light this morning. My feet brung me. They carried me there when I left the house. Like they knew it was where I should be” (203). Even though Tasha never cared for church, for some reason her body, mind, and spirit told her she should be there. At the church, the pastor preaches out of the book …show more content…

I seen that clear in the stillness inside of me. Black like night as I felt myself being pulled clear out of myself and pulled back in. I seen a bird. White like snow. Rise up and out the dark. Fly up in the air and disappear” (211). Tasha’s experience at the church assisted greatly in her recovery after everything that happened to her. She finally realized that she did not cause the death of her child. Not only that, she claims that she felt all the darkness and sadness come out of her. It is this moment at the church where Tasha truly understands what the Lord meant when he said “wait”. The preacher goes on to say, “And if you not walking by faith this morning, then maybe you don’t know the lord. You don’t know what he can do for you. You don’t know. What he has done for you” (209). Tasha knows that she did not pick her life. She knows that she has been through a lot in her life. However, Tasha does not let the things that happen to her stop her. She decides to use her troubles and put it towards something more positive- her new baby. Tasha states at the very end of the novel “One day I going to fed this baby heart beating inside of me. Just like with

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