Tb Prevention Strategies

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One of the main techniques suggested by the World Health Organisation to prevent TB is the Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilisation approach (WHO 2007:1). It is defined by three strategies: firstly, the call for advocacy by non-governmental agencies on individual governments to improve their work on TB prevention (rather than by treating TB once it has erupted). Advocacy aims to keep the issue of TB on the table of health departments. Secondly, it argues that communication is critical for how populations can be alerted to the issue of TB and educated about how transmission takes place. By educating the public through channels of communication that the public can access and understand, behaviour around TB can be changed. In terms of the third component of the approach, social mobilisation, communities and stakeholders such as the media, NGOs, opinion, decision makers, patient networks and religious groups need to become involved in the prevention of TB. This third strategy aims to empower communities and to alert them to risk of non-involvement (WHO 2007:3). …show more content…

It also promotes the quick and effective uptake of new tools such as interventions and strategies in preventing TB infections, to optimize the implementation and impact of any preventative measures and innovation practices (WHO 2006:9; WHO 2010a:11). Moreover, it focuses on addressing behavioural change among patients and communities, seeking to alter attitudes and behaviour regarding the prevention of TB. For this it might disseminate information about TB and its prevention through leaflets, radio and television announcements, and posters to the public (WHO 2006:15; WHO