Teacher Labelling

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Time and access are both a particular practical limitation of field experiments when studying teacher labelling. The researcher may only have limited amount of time with access to the studied group, this may be either the teachers or students as the teachers have very little time due to being overworked therefore it is difficult to get them to participate as they are busy and focused on school work rather than participating in field experiments. Due to the students being vulnerable this may result in a decreased time with the experimenter, also the experiment may stress the student out, resulting in the time in the experiment being reduced, this is then resulting in an ethical limitation due to the person/people in research may be harmed. To …show more content…

This then resulting in a greater reliability of this methods as researches can replicate their findings to apply to multiple schools, on a national scale, this making the method more reliable when studying teacher’s labelling of pupils in school, being favoured more by positivists because interpretivists like in-depth data. However, even though the teachers have to perform to the professional duty, to treat all pupil fairly and correctly, they often give negative labels to pupil, based on the ideas of their social class, gender and ethnicity. This showing a limitation to the reliability if using this method in researching teachers’ labelling because pupils may respond to these label in a variety of ways either in a negative or positive, including forming anti-school subcultures, as Item A refers to. With different responses from the labelling this could be favoured by interpretivists due to them getting a deep understand to the different response the pupils give off from getting labelled. Rosenthal and Jacobson’s research includes a reliability strength of field experiments when studying teacher labelling because it was a simple experiment that could easily repeated. This research showed that the teachers payed more attention to the pupils who they believe would ‘spurt’, therefore labelling them positively and giving them more attention. This makes the method they used particularly reliable for the topic researching, teachers’ labelling, as their experiment was simple and specific to how