
Teachers Should Not Be Armed With Guns In Schools Essay

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For a while now there has been a huge debate over gun laws and gun policies due to all the recent school shootings, such as the shooting at Columbine. Teachers should not be armed with firearms in schools. The right way to go about this is by banning these military weapons from people who shouldn’t have them, and enforcing stronger laws. First and foremost, arming teachers could cause more harm than good due to innocent accidents. For instance, according to “Lawmakers Debate Whether or Not Schoolteachers Should be Armed,” a teacher in Utah carrying a concealed firearm “accidentally dropped her weapon in an elementary school bathroom and it fired.” Although no student was hurt, only the teacher when the toilet exploded, it could have been much …show more content…

According to Gonzalez’s speech, “In Florida, to buy a gun you do not need a permit, you do not need a gun license, and once you buy it you do not need to register it. You do not need a permit to carry a concealed rifle or shotgun. You can buy as many guns as you want at one time.” Then, in the article about “Understanding Key Terms in the Gun Control Debate,” it is evident in the state of Maryland the minimum age to buy a long gun is 18 years old, there is no ‘stand your ground’ law, you do not need a license to purchase a firearm, there is no background check needed, and no waiting period. This just demonstrates how unsafe gun policies currently are, and no one is doing anything about it. Again, from Gonzalez’s speech she states, “Australia had one mass shooting in 1999, but after the massacre, it introduced gun safety and hasn’t had one since. Japan has never had a mass shooting. Canada has had three, and the U.K. had one, and they both introduced gun control. And yet here we are, with websites dedicated to reporting these tragedies so that they can be turned into statistics for your convenience.” This proves gun laws make a difference, in fact, more of a difference than arming teachers. Now, why aren’t we enforcing stricter gun

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