
Persuasive Essay On Guns In School

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Fewer Guns in School or More? “Visible School Security Measures and Student Academic Performance, Attendance, and Postsecondary Aspirations,” Emily E. Tanner-Smith and Benjamin W. Fisher, states “In 2011, approximately 7% of high school students had been threatened or injured with a weapon, 33% had been in a fight, 20% had been bullied, and 26% had been offered, given, or sold drugs on school property in the past year.”(195) The school house is supposed to be the safe place where parents send their children too. How can parents feel comfortable with sending their kids to a school house that is not safe? The schools of America need to add teachers with guns to protect the student trying to learn. If adding security officers into schools won’t stop school shootings, then they might need to look into having teachers armed. Parents ask “why add more guns to schools when the school trying to become a gun free zone?” How would the school know who should be able to have a gun? …show more content…

The only down side is that a lot of schools do not have the funds to have a resource officer at the school at all times. Then the state government should step in and assist with funds for the students’ safety. If the school arms a teacher and has an officer there then that would be the best bet for school safety. There would be two people ready just in case of an incident happening. In the article “Frequently Asked Questions,” states “A school resource officer is a commissioned, sworn law enforcement officer, not a ‘security guard.’ NASRO recommends that all SROs be issued and carry all the same equipment they would have on any other law enforcement assignment.” With two adults carrying guns at a school then they would stop a shooter before anyone could get hurt. The resource officer would not have to wait for back up to arrive. They would already be at the school in case of an

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