Teachers Under Attack Chapter 1 Summary

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Chapter 1
Educators Under Attack The conventional wisdom in the United States is that our public schools are terrible and that they are getting much worse. This proclamation started in 1983 when the National Commission of Excellence in Education issued its findings "In a report titled A Nation at Risk (pg. 1)." The National commission proclaimed that American educators had dropped victim to an increasing tide of mediocrity that will threaten our future as people and a nation. The report was supplied with warnings of decline, deficiencies, risks, and plight. Americans were urged to prove the report wrong. Schools needed to converse the educational disarmament that had taken a grip on the public schools. When President George H. W. Bush took over the office, he announced that his purpose was to become the education president. According to President Bush, educational reform was a must to uphold America's competitiveness in the world. He assembled the nation's governors for an Education Summit to establish goals to improve America's schools called Goals 2000. They …show more content…

The generations of American educators could never accomplish what our teachers and administrators are accomplishing today. Here are some examples of what our teachers and administrators have achieved.
Record-Setting High School Graduation Rates
In 2014, the graduation rate of high schoolers in 2012 surpassed 80 percent for the first time in our nations antiquity. The increase in graduation rates for Latino students was twice the national increase. The growth in graduation rates for African American students exceeded the national average.
More Students Succeeding in a More Rigorous