
Teaching Philosophy Statement

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When choosing to become a Special Education teacher a decisive decision needs be in place with regards to which desired grade levels the teacher will teach. Regular Education teachers can choose a specific grade level, whereas Special Education teachers must choose multiple grade levels such as: Kindergartern-5th, 6th-8th grade, and 9th-12th grade. The desired grade levels that I have chosen as a Special Education teacher is Kindergarten-5th grade. When the grade level is chosen then the special education teacher will then move into a Resource Room; which is geared towards helping special education students meet their goals on their IEP’s (Individual Education Program). This will then result in special education students spending the majority …show more content…

Collet displayed a wide range of positive interaction in his classroom; which is crucial in positive collaboration with regular education teachers and special education teachers. Verbally explaining the homework policy in the beginning of the year allows for any questions that the students might have to be addressed. This would be useful way for a special education teacher to get out what is expected in their resource room as well. Having student’s purchase a daily planner is an efficient way to aid the students to stay on task and organized. This daily planner can also provide a resource for a special education teacher to use to communicate to parents/regular education teacher on what was worked on while the student was in the resource room. Posting homework information on the white board and developing information as a class regarding homework allows for the student to openly discuss and visually see what is expected of them. This is a great tool for a special education teacher to use in the resource room. The teacher not accepting late homework until the student discusses it with the teacher is valuable for accountability and communication. Also, having the students be responsible for picking up graded homework provides the student a sense of ownership and responsibility; which can foster self refection. When Mr. Collet allows his students to make formal appeals regarding grades, he is demonstrating a respectful teacher/student relationship. These are

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