
Special Education Philosophy Statement

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I am a firm believer in the transformative nature of strong special education and deeply committed to creating equitable learning environments in my classroom and helping all individuals flourish. I am confident in my ability as a general educator and have a desire to make best support my students with special needs through individualized education. With dedication in the Roger Williams master program, I am confident in the positive impact I can have both academically and socially for students with diverse abilities, and develop as a future special educator.
As a future special education teacher, I will continue to lead my classroom with warmth and inclusivity. Every scholar in my classroom knows they are safe and loved and able to take risks …show more content…

At Roger Williams, I want to be pushed to know my students' rights to advocate in and out of the classroom for the best educational experience possible. This year I have been an advocate for inclusivity within my classroom with two students who have autism and worked with one on one paras. I was able to look at their IEP goals, and develop modifications that support the work towards the content mastery while meeting the needs of where they are. For example,when we were in our fraction unit the curriculum was modified from adding and subtracting unlike fractions to being able to determine an equivalent fraction of a common unit fraction. This skill supported their foundational knowledge of fractions while helping to meet IEP goals. All of my lessons, including those using technology, are designed using UDL principles. I push for all my students to be in the classroom engaging academically and socially with their peers and have accommodations provided in all subject areas, not just mine. During grade teams I have found time to check in with coworkers and collaborate on ideas with our current special educator that best support our students with IEPs inside the classroom. Additionally, I have collaborated with the special educator attending every IEP and 504 meeting for my grade as a general educator. I look forward to being pushed by Roger Williams to learn more strategies to support the diverse needs of

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