Teaching Philosophy Statement

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I had the honor of coming into teaching during my undergraduate education. I began working as a volunteer at a local elementary school. I initially came in to mentor children in the school's after-hours program. This school was in a particularly impoverished area in the city. In working with the students, I found that they lacked many of the necessary resources needed to move through the school day. It also came to my attention that because so many students did not have the basics, the teaching staff often times provided for them. This staff was often stretched thin between the various needs of their students and balancing the discrepancy of resources within the school itself. I began to be more involved in the classroom and even become a student …show more content…

I believe that a teacher would engage with their students in a way that they must be open to not only giving but receiving knowledge. To me this is a part of the pleasure in teaching; being able to adapt constantly to the differing voices being attended to in the classroom. hooks discusses this as a way to engage in the teaching process that really allows students to learn, grow and question what it is that they are studying . Ultimately this can contribute to the field through the students’ research endeavors and my regular self-examination of current issues within the …show more content…

I believe that students should engage with the material through both written and visual works. Discussions will also be a significant portion of our class work. Students will receive grade in these learning methods and will receive a detailed rubric around how points are divided. My role as an educator is creating ways of expanding their knowledge base, while challenging what it is that they have come to know. For example, when teaching a research methods course, discussion will be had about the Belmont Report and the impact of the U.S. Public Health Service Study at Tuskegee had on it. This discussion will also incorporate its impact on modern day research like Institutional Review Boards. An example of one assignment I would give in a qualitative or quantitative class would be for the students to find a dataset and choose an appropriate method to conduct a study with. I would want the students to give a written report of how the findings would be spoken about and used in qualitative versus quantitative research. I would want the students to include where they would find their voice in both

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