Team Nursing Model Paper

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In order for a healthcare organization to properly function it must have a nursing care delivery system that can help them achieve their vision in a cost effective manner and at the same time can satisfy the need of the population they serve. Due to the increasing demand of quality patient care, the hospitals and other health care settings have to utilize the care delivery system that works best for them. From the various models of nursing care delivery systems, the team nursing model, its history, its composition, benefits and disadvantages will be discussed in this dissertation.
As described by Zimmerman (2007) team nursing model is the model that uses the strengths and skills of the health care personnel as directed by a charge nurse and team leader to provide holistic care and complete tasks for a group of patients.
As stated by Yoder-Wise (2011) …show more content…

Different shifts, work schedules, vacation and other situations in which the scheduled team is not complete can affect the staff mix that was originally planned.
My perception is that team nursing model can also limit the nurses from being proficient in diverse skills because with team nursing model the skills that they have developed and their expertise is always used, which create limitations for them to be exposed constantly to other duties and assignments. To conclude, team nursing model was developed due to the nursing shortage after World War II to satisfy the need to work with the decreasing registered nurse that were available and at the same time to provide safe and effective patient care. Team nursing model offers multiple benefits to the patients, the staff and at the end to the institution in which this method is being used. Team nursing model is also known for its cost-effectiveness which allows the organization to offer competence, safe and effective care by using a mix of skilled

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