Teamwork In Nursing

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Teamwork, communication and delegation in nursing are variables dependent on one another in order to be successful. This post is the first in a series on nursing delegation in which we will discuss the team nursing model, the RN 's role in delegation, and how effective communication fosters successful teamwork which leads to better outcomes for patients and employees. Detailed and timely communication among registered nurses (RNs) and other team members such as UAP, leads to improved quality measures and outcomes. In fact, studies have shown that negative outcomes were often linked to an error in communication. As such, safety, delegation, and quality of care are dependent on one another. In other words, effective teamwork among the nursing …show more content…

Effective Communication Fosters Positive Working Relationships The quality of relationships between the RN and other team members greatly influences the delegation success and overall teamwork. A productive team is one that has timely ongoing communication, a willingness to collaborate, and initiative from all team members.The following are important points to consider regarding your role and improving communication and relationships with a team nursing model: As the RN, you must clearly define expectations for UAP and LPN reporting on specific tasks. Remember, the patient is ultimately under your care. While you are able to delegate tasks, it 's still your responsibility to see that each task was carried out effectively and safely. If a task was not completed, you will be held accountable. Be approachable and welcome feedback. Provide team members sufficient opportunities to talk about conflict-related issues as they apply to the team. You want the individuals on your team to view you as someone who is fair and unbiased. Keep your tone and use of language in check so that you do not come off as intimidating, as this will hinder the willingness of the UAP or LPN to bring up problems or …show more content…

Tactfully report on issues and resolve conflicts. As the RN you are the one that will be in charge of making things run smoothly. When conflicts do arise, use calm and effective communication to resolve issues. Maintain a calm demeanor even during extreme situations. [Read also: 7 Tips to Help You Survive Your First Year of Nursing] Master the Art of Nursing One Task at a Time Delegation is a core concept in nursing, and much like the other learned skills, success will improve over time. Continue to work towards excellence and improving communication and teamwork and in due time, delegation mastery will be achieved. Just as Florence Nightingale said: "Nursing is an art, and if it is to be made an art, it requires as exclusive a devotion, as hard a preparation, as any painter 's or sculptor 's work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or cold marble, compared with having to do with the living body - the temple of God 's spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts; I had almost said the finest of the Fine Arts" or I can remove the spiritual reference as to not convey a religious preference as reflective of the