
Tears For A Tall Horse By America Angelou Analysis

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a. The setting of the story is outdoors where the three little pigs were building their houses. The atmosphere of the story is competitive. The strategies used to create the competitive atmosphere where things such as language. The pigs told each other that their houses would be better than the others' houses.

b. They will have threatened to destroy each pigs house by blowing it down. He wanted to do this so we could get to the pigs and eat them. This part of the plot was the climax. It was near the beginning and started working towards the climax of events.

c. The pig is one of their own houses and the first two pigs houses got blown down by the wolf. This represents more of the rising action. They explain events leading to the climax.

d. Each pig built their own house and they ran to the third pig's house ( made of brick) when theirs got blown away. They did this to escape the wolf. Them …show more content…

In the end the wolf could not get to the three pigs because he could not blow the breaks down. The ending of the plot is the resolution. All the pigs were safe, the Brickhouse sheltered them from the wolf that wanted to eat them.

2) All the pigs building houses leads up to the wolves threatened to blow them down. When he blows them down and they all take shelter in the Brickhouse they are safe. Every event leads to another.

3) Tears for a Tall Horse- A caretaker and her daughter moved to a mansion to take care of the house and cook. The daughter, Anna, finds a starving horse and rehabilitates him overtime. The owner of the mansion does not want the horse living at their barn until his daughter takes interest in a small pony that and Anna got to accompany the horse. The story provides exposition, rising action, climax, and falling action, and of course a resolution. The horse and pony stay in the barn next to the mansion and live out their days with two girls who love them!

4) Racing

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