
Technology And Inequalities In Video Games

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As technology improves through the years, the topic of inequalities come into conversation. When a new technology is released, initially, only the wealthy can afford it, this leads to inequalities. The inequalities caused by technology are vast and can range anywhere from economic to longevity. The obvious economic inequality allows the rich to become richer and the poor to become even poorer; the economic gap widens. Education is another example of inequality that can be intensified. The best schools are the most expensive, therefore; only the wealthy can afford them, forcing the not so wealthy to attend a lower grade school. The subject of longevity can also showcase inequalities. The wealthy can afford the medicine, procedures, and …show more content…

There are two different types of games and the difference comes in how the parties interact. A zero sum game is fairly simple and can be described as an interaction in which one person or party benefit, while the other person or party does not benefit. Basketball is a great example of a zero sum game. Say the blue team makes a basket and the red team doesn’t, therefor the blue team is now ahead in points and the red team is behind. Technology and inequalities would not be considered a zero sum game, due to the fact that no one is really …show more content…

A non-zero sum game is when the size of the good isn’t fixed, and the total size of the good to be distributed can increase. In simple terms, both parties can win or both parties can lose. A popular case to describe a non-zero sum game that isn’t actually a game is the Prisoner Dilemma. In this case there are two prisoners in separate cells and the detectives are willing to make a deal. If both prisoners confess they will be sentenced five years. If one prisoner confesses but the other doesn’t, the one that didn’t confess will be sentenced ten years. If neither of the prisoners confess, they will each be sentenced only one year. In this case, if the prisoners work together, there will be not a loser, they will both win. The idea of self-interest is considered the

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