
Technology In Brave New World

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Technology has brought mankind out of the Stone Ages. The novel, Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley, is like today’s society due to scientific advancements. However, the novel’s technology is more complex than today’s society’s technology because Brave New World takes place in the future. Some examples of advanced technology in the novel would be; the Bokanovsky process, somas, and hypnopedia. The novel shows that if society continues to rely on technology then society may lose humanity. The author set the time period of the novel in the future showing the readers a society that is under complete control of technology. The novel seems to be a perfect utopian society except for the fact none of the characters are themselves and they have no feelings due to technology. …show more content…

This process is one of the “major instruments of social stability” (Huxley 7). The Bokanovsky process take the same ovary and with gametes from the same male to manufacture as many batches of identical twins as possible, with a max of ninety-six (Huxley 8). In simpler terms, it takes one human egg and an embryo has a normal development for multiple babies; not just one. Today’s society attempted to clone animals, but hasn’t quite mastered the cloning of people, if even attempted. (World Health Organization) Next, somas are another way that connects both, today’s and the novels, societies together. Somas are a legal “euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinaut” drug that are available whenever. These pills help calm and distract a person from realizing that there is something terribly wrong going on in the World State. Today’s society have a few things like somas. Today, we have prescribed anti-depressants which is similar to soma but the anti-depressants are not accessible by just anyone. (Leonard) Anti-depressants alter one’s state of mind and can affect the mood or behavior of a person, so like a

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