Technology's Negative Effects On Modern Australian Society

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Technology is rapidly advancing, in a few short years’ mobile phones have gone from an SMS and phone call device to a condensed version of a laptop computer with almost endless capabilities. This essay will discuss both the positive and negative effects social media and mobile technology have made on modern Australian society.
On the one hand, social media along with the smartphone has made our lives a lot easier. We can hop on Facebook to find an old friend, catch up on news, or find the latest deals from your local computer store, all while standing at the bus stop, and watching a YouTube video on a device that fits in the palm of our hand.
On the other hand, with social media becoming engrossed into our lives, and a need to keep our friends …show more content…

With the ease of communicating, and accessing files throughout the world, it is easy to see how mobile technology will become more embedded into our lives.

While this ease of use and always available technology has many positives, there may be a risk society becomes overdependent of mobile technology causing effects to mental health.
When leaving the house, you often do not get very far before finding someone staring at their smartphone. Society has become so dependent on their smartphones, that 46 percent of users stated they were unable to survive without having their device. (CIHB, Relationships, P1). It is this dependency and need to be consistently checking our device that has led to sleep deprivation, anxiety and a general decline in wellness (CIHM, Relationships, p1). In a study published in 2016, users who were given their smartphones but were told they could not use them experienced higher levels of anxiety (CIHM, are we addicted, P6). This could suggest as a society we have some form of attachment to our devices, and not being able to fulfil that urge to check a message or connect to social media cause greater …show more content…

Unfortunately, these same people also have a tendency to be more obsessive when it comes to their smart device (CIHB, are we addicted, p2). Which could suggest more research is required around anxiety sufferers and smartphone use.
Overall, mobile technology has many positives, it allows us to do things that previously could only be done while sitting down in front of a computer. However, seeing as this technology is still developing, continued research may need to occur to evaluate long-term effects on users and their mental health.
In conclusion, with the rapid increase in technology, the use of smartphones along with social media have had a number of impacts on Australian society. Overall, there appear to be many positives that come with this technology, however, smartphone users seem to have some connection to their device, and the effects of this may be leading to concerns of mental