Teenage Smoking Case Study

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China:-A new national smoking ban, which extends to all enclosed public areas, came into effect on 1 May 2011.Chinese people start smoking at a very young age which can also be defined as the age before they reach adolescence due to which the ratio of kids smoking:adolescent smoking remains unbalanced.Smoking in China is prevalent, as the People 's Republic of China is the world 's largest consumer and producer of tobacco,there are 350 million Chinese smokers, and China produces 42% of the world 's cigarettes.Cigarettes range in price from a nickel to a dime each, so if an individual is consuming 40 cigarettes a day it costs average about $1,000 per year.
France:-Smoking has been banned in the public places like bus stands,playgrounds and other public …show more content…

In order to give up smoking, people need to prepare themselves to face some consequences for eg; Stopping yourself from reaching your hand for a packet of cigarette.
So it is very obvious when you ask a teenager not to smoke he or she will try it once, not intentionally but ‘out of curiousness’.
For the conclusion,I would like to briefly go through the causes of smoking and also teenagers should be led to the right path.
So some of the common reasons that I think encourage youth to smoke would be:-
1. Atmosphere influence:When people around you smoke,the desire of trying it yourself pops up in your mind.Also when your close friends want you try it and you calmly decline but deep inside you know that you want to try it really bad.This is also called curiousness.Kids these days tend to do stuff which they are strongly restricted to do just because they are ‘curious’ of the consequences.

2. Media:These days most of the movies showcase that doing drugs,tobacco,smoking and other illegal activities for their age.The group of youth who watch R rated movies are more likely to indulge into smoking than the teengers who do not watch R rated movies.Also they have more chances to live longer than the juveniles who smoke or