Teenagers And Social Media's Influence On Youth

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“Many teens join online groups or communities in which members share a particular interest, such as music, movies, games, sports, or politics.” Consequently, social media is a large influence in the lives of young teens today. Oftentimes, teens will turn to social media to see what the views of others are on current controversial issues. Social Media has a large influence on our morals as people because we want to be liked by others. Oftentimes our values are shaped and based upon what we see on social/mass media.
Every social network is set up to attract different groups of people. “Teenagers use social networking sites as a place to express themselves and experiment with their identities.” Consequently, in this day and age, it is easier for teenagers to express themselves through their social media profiles/pages. Moreover, reading and exploring other peoples profiles can form and shape the minds of today’s youth. Oftentimes, we are influenced by our surroundings. Today one of our biggest surroundings is the mass media. Whether we choose to believe it or not it takes over a large portion of our lives. It is everywhere we look, it is the news, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, school websites even, its how we get information about what is going on in the world around us. Teenagers express themselves and experiment with new identities through the use of social media. Moreover, young teens’ interact with like minded individuals to themselves and gain