Teleological Argument

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The teleological argument, or otherwise known as the argument from design and the intelligent design argument, is a philosophical theory put forward by William Paley with its final premise of proving that god exists. The argument includes a handful of elements, however close to the fringe yet within the margin, of logic in order to assist the facilitation of accepting the premise as a truth. As we examine the argument, and its implications in the context in which it was given, we can begin to see the boundary of logic become veiled and intuition and assumptions start to interpose.The teleological argument is most commonly started with a supposition parable dealing with a watch, so lets start out with that.

Suppose you are walking down along a river and along the way you spot something in the dirt. You retrieve the item and you find it is a watch. You look at the watch and intuitively know the intricacy and complexity of the object. Moreover you know that the watch must have been specifically designed for a precise purpose. Now, you know that the watch could not be spontaneously created via the dirt and wind. Your next realization, logically, is to know that with the complexity of the watch it had to be deliberately designed and must also have a designer. Now comparing the watch to the complexity of the world and the universe, you must agree that because its so complex and so perfectly put together it also must have a designer. …show more content…

Even if:

1) You have never seen a watch being created or known of a person to make a watch.
2) The watch did not, or does not keep the correct time.
3) There were some parts of the watch that you cannot understand or know if they have or had a specific function or what that function is or was.
4) You know for any object in existence there is some 'internal configuration ' and this object happens to have this