
Temptation In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it”(1 Corinthians 7:2)

High school is supposedly one of the best times of your life. However it is where you choose your future, you either choose to go to college, party, or straight to work after. This is the time where your parents stress the most because they do not want you to be tempted by the negative things in life. You can be tempted to do drugs, drink, ditch, not study, cheat, and just not care at all about school. You are tempted daily by the factors around you. Your environment can either help make or break you. It’s up to you if you allow them to cloud your judgement of what is right or wrong, and if you allow to them corrupt your behavior. This can happen in any situation, let alone when you are in high school. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”(Matthew 6:13)

If you are easily …show more content…

According to blogspot.com, “The title lord of the flies came be found in the Babylonian phase ‘Beelzebub’ which is translated to say lord of the flies. In the bible this can be found in chapter 3 of Mark verse 22, ‘He has Beelzebub… the ruler of the demons…’” The name of the beast is a direct reference to the devil. We later see that he is evil, and something worth being frightened over. The head of the pig is left as a gift to the beast. “This head is for the beast. It’s a gift.” (Golding, 137) . While in many recorded cases many people would have sacrifices and rituals in the name of the devil. These both are gifts to the devil as an offering. The lord of the flies representing the devil, or satan, in the novel is to allow the reader to without any confusion understand that the evil in the story is the

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