Texting While Walking Should Be Banned

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Do you think texting while walking should be banned? The first reason was there has been deaths and serious injuries from distracted walkers while they where on their phones. the second reason was also people need to be responsible and pay attention to their surroundings while walking and people need to be aware of there surrounding and don’t need to look at their phone more then they do the sidewalk. For example, according to the article Take Steps to Avoid Injury While Walking there has been way more fatalities injury’s form distracted walkers while they where on their phones.”According to federal data on highway fatalities, there were 5,987 pedestrian fatalities in 2016 – the highest number since 1990. This represents increase of 9% over the 2015 totals.” For instance, 2014, a 14 year old was seriously injured after stepping off a bridge while on his phone while listening to music and on snap chat. “In 2012, a 15 year old on her phone was hit by a car and killed. To demonstrate, between 2000 and 2011, You’re walking home when your phone buzzes. You don’t think about anything but to look down at your phone but that moment you do your life could change for ever.” Third, there has been a huge number of pedestrians killed from 2000 to 2011 just because of their phones and that’s why they should ban texting and walking so people will not be as tempted to look at their phones and be way more cautious and more alert to cars and don’t think the car will stop for them.