The 100 Movie Analysis

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The 100 through the eyes of Feminism, Queer Studies and Psychoanalysis. In this essay I am going to talk about The 100 through the eyes of Feminism, Queer Studies and Psychoanalysis. In 2013 Kass Morgan has published her book "The 100". One year later, Jason Rothenberg decided to transform Kass Morgan's book into a TV Series. (Source: Wikipedia, The 100, TV Series, web) The action of the first season of the TV Series is placed 97 years after a nuclear apocalypse. In order to ensure the mankind survival, „The Ark" (stuck to the Earth's orbit) was formed. It was a station that housed over 2400 people, divided into another 12 stations. When the leaders found out that The Ark can no longer offer them protection, they've tried to find a solution for surviving again. That's why they decided to send a ship back to Earth in order to find out if it is habitable again. In that ship, they sent 100 prisoners, like Clarke Griffin, Bellamy and Octavia Blake, Jasper Collins, Monty Green, Raven Reyes, Finn Collins, John Murphy and Wells Jaha. The 100 …show more content…

Through the innovative ideas, strong characters who always struggle, this TV Series has highlighted the problems faced by the today's society: violence, fear of failure, the repression of homosexuality, fear of talking freely and so on. Bibliography: 1.Wikipedia, The 100: 2.THE GROUNDBREAKING FEMINISM IN THE CW'S ‘THE 100' : 3.Fandom Wikia, Clarke Griffin: 4.Fandom Wikia, Raven Reyes: 5.Fandom Wikia, Blood must have blood(part 2) : 6.Fandom Wikia, John Murphy: 7.Fandom Wikia, Octavia Blake: 8.Handout 3 9.Handout

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