The American Dream Research Paper

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The American Dream The American Dream. It's such a common term to hear, yet to each of us it has a unique meaning. The United States of America was founded as a land of freedom and opprtunity. However, that freedom did not include African-Americans and even after freedom was granted indiscriminately, racial inequality hindered the opportunities of people of color. In the 1960s racial equality in the United States was not a reality. Thus, the American Dream of that day and age reflected the racial struggles people were going through back then. Since that time the Civil Rights Movement has made tremendous steps towards racial equality. Now, legally, there are no racially discriminatory laws in the United States of America and most African-American …show more content…

I believe that the American dream has changed from the 1960s to today because Martin Luther King's American Dream in the 1960s was of a country with racial equality and integration, my grandma's current American Dream is of a nice life where you can go where you want to and do what you want to without getting shot, and my American Dream is of the opportunity to strive to be …show more content…

The United States of America is heralded as the land of opportunity, and for me so far it has been just that. I am able to play sports, workout, and play video games. Now, if sitting in a traditional classroom doesn't work best for you, you can have a smaller class size by attending charter school. If a classroom isn't the optimal learning environment for you, you can even enroll in an online school. Another example is the country's school system. All youth under 18 are required to attend school from kindergarten through the twelfth grade unless you get your GED, and the public school system means a free education for everyone. For people who want to continue their education and get a college degree there are community colleges which offer enrollment at a much reduced cost compared to a normal college. Community colleges accept high school graduates regardless of their high school GPAs, some community colleges even have programs for students that did not graduate high school and do not have a high school diploma or equivalent document. I plan to use the resources that my country has provided me to their greatest