The Anne Frank Sacrifice Character Analysis

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In the Anne Frank film and play, Miep shows courage, compassion, and sacrifice during the film/play. Miep shows courage, compassion, and sacrifice.Mr.Kraler is one of their protectors, Miep is also a protector and Mr.Frank is one of the people hiding in the Secret Annex during WWII with the Van Daans and Mr.Dussel.They are all Jews and are hiding from the Nazis so they do not get sent to a concentration camp.They lived in the Secret Annex for 2 years during WWII.
According to, courage is “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery”.Miep shows courage because she is risking his life to help hide the Franks and Van Daans.She risks being caught and sent to a …show more content… says sacrifices “to surrender or give up, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something else”.Miep demonstrates sacrifice by sacrificing her life for the people in the Secret Annex.Miep sacrifices her safety to keep the Van Danns.Franks, and Mr.Dussel hidden from the workers and the Nazis.She sacrificed her own food rations along with others to help feed the people in the Secret Annex.This is how Miep demonstrated sacrifice when they were in danger.
In conclusion, this is how Miep showed all these characteristics when she was keeping the people in the annex hidden during WWII.I would be able to do the same if it meant saving my family and keeping them safe in a time of danger.I do not think they wouldn’t have been able to survive without Miep having these characteristics during