The Anthropic Principle: The Argument For The Balance Between Science And Religion

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The Anthropic principle is one attempt to give an account of the regularity in nature through its argument for the compatibility of the universe with conscious life. In general, it suggests that the earth is fine tuned to allow life to emerge. However, this proposition has faced a lot of challenges both from science and religion. The principle has tried to give a rational account that would appeal to scientific understanding yet it has been rejected by science, which has dismissed its proposition and its evidence as subjective and prejudicial. A section of theists would also deny any relation to this theory because of its closer connection to the big bang theory.

Through this essay, I aim to suggest for a balance between science …show more content…

The quick appeal of intelligent design to theism has made natural scientists, like Alister McGrath to heavily criticize the inability of the Anthropic Principle to make new conversions to theism. McGrath argued that the Anthropic Principle is meant for a theistic worldview since it sounds apologetic due to an assumption that its proponents hold the some theistic values.

Darwin, in the Origin of Species gives an alternative account of the supposedly amazing discoveries of the anthropic principle. What looked amazing is explained as having happened through pure chance. If there was any watch maker at all that fine tuned the universe, then it must have been some blind watchmaker with no sense of purpose. He/she just decided to do it with no reason at all. Evolutionists argue that there is no reason whatsoever why we exist, we just happen to exist in this world and we don 't have to try to explain as if it were so funny that we are here. That even these things that seem amazing and mindblowing could still get a rational explanation for their lack of existence if they did not exist at