The Argonauts Maggie Nelson Analysis

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“The Argonauts” by Maggie Nelson deals with Prop 8, which would ban same-sex marriage if passed. One of the things I found interesting in this passage was how, “People who already had officiants lined up to marry them later that day offered to make their ceremonies communal, to accommodate everyone who wanted to get married before midnight” (Nelson 24). Although weddings are supposed to be an intimate day for that couple, many were willing to sacrifice this to allow as many as possible to get married. This made me think about the famous quote by Mr. Rogers’ mother: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Do you think we will ever, or can, eradicate the persecution members of the LGBTQ+ community face almost daily? Maggie Nelson also mentions about her struggles as a stepparent. She ponders about the fact that she will always be “structurally vulnerable to being hated or resented” …show more content…

Since her piece is a collection of different stories, it is incredibly beneficial that she writes short parts within the chapter. The reader is also subject to having a short attention span, so writing the novel in crots promotes readability and flow. For example, one of the stories Nelson mentions on pages ten and eleven is about the Prop 8 signs. She states, “…one of the stick figures sported a triangle skirt. (What is that triangle, anyway? My twat?)” (Nelson 11). I enjoyed this story in the middle of her piece because it was a refreshing break from her story about her stepson. It also gave the reader insight into the ways in which heteronormativity is promoted by those who support Proposition 8 in California. I also think that she should continue this style, in my opinion, throughout the book. I do not think it is a question of whether or not she can keep it readable, as you asked, but rather a testament to how she must continue this way to keep the reader