The Asinine Idea Of Gun Violence In America

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The asinine idea of gun control Gun violence in America isn’t a gun problem it’s a people problem. By limiting access of firearms you limit the freedoms and right to protect yourself and the ones you love. Not only are the rights of the people being infringed but banning firearms is unconstitutional and unfair to the people. I find it very interesting that people high up in our political system are still so blind to the facts. Less than 1% of all gun crimes are used with legally obtained firearms. So when government wants to take guns away from law abiding citizens all they are accomplishing is giving criminals the upper hand. There is an old saying and it goes “if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns” and that is exactly true. Striping the people of their right to bear arms is more of a danger to the people than keeping guns in the first place. …show more content…

Let me ask you a serious question do you think a sign on the front of a door that says this is a gun free zone is going to stop a mass murderer from shooting up that place. Did you notice that the most notorious and tragic mass murders happen in gun free zones. Think about it schools, stores, malls, theaters and even in cities I general. Chicago is the murder capital of our country yet it has the highest form of gun control. And what is sad is these oblivious politicians are still trying to push their non-gun agenda even when the facts say the contrary. What they need is a harsh taste of reality. How dare they refuse people the right to defend themselves when their lives are threatened every single day? And yet theses politicians probably have 2 security guys with them at all times carrying guns to protect them. These people are walking contradictions and need to be held accountable for their asinine ideas for the people’s