The Basic Ideas Of Such Thinking You Change Your Environment

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Change the World

“By means of such thinking you change your environment.”
The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind, pg. 76

Your environment is whatever you live within. Most people think of their environment as Nature. Some narrow their focus to their society or their family. In the study of the Science of Mind, we expand our perception of our environment to that which encompasses all the rest: our environment is our consciousness. Our consciousness is what we live within. We experience our world, our life, within our consciousness. I am not merely pointing out the obvious — that our experience is mental and therefore contained within our consciousness. I am describing the nature of consciousness: it is infinite and encompasses all. Everything lives, moves and has its being …show more content…

There is intelligence that we rely upon and use every second, which we have never been conscious of. The intelligence that maintains our body is beyond our comprehension, as is the intelligence that maintains the universe in which we live. Yet, our consciousness is our use of that intelligence of Life; just as our life is our use of the one Life. Holmes states that we can change our environment by changing our consciousness. We can prove this ability to ourselves by changing our appraisal of the people and things in our environment.

“By means of such thinking you change your environment. For one thing, you have a higher appraisal of people and surroundings. You more clearly see the good in them, and much which before may have been hidden. There is a reaction to this appraisal!”
The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind, pg. 76

If there is a recognizable corresponding change in the condition of their life or our own, then we have proven the responsive nature of our