Biological And Environmental Factors Affecting Behaviour

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The biological approach believes us to be as a consequence of our genetics and physiology. Physiology is how the nervous system and hormones work and how the brain functions. It examines how changes in structure and function can affect behaviour. The Biological; approach examines thoughts, feelings, and behaviours from a biological and physical point of view. An influence within the biological approach is genetics, characteristics that are not suited to a species’ environment will die out as it struggles to survive, and with time will evolve over generations so that only adaptive characteristics remain in future offspring. Genes are the genetic information carried by DNA in chromosomes, found within a cell’s nucleus; they are passed on through …show more content…

For example, Bouchard and McGue included many poorly performed and biased studies in their meta-analysis. Also, studies comparing the behaviour of twin raised apart have been criticized as the twins often share similar environments and are sometimes raised by non-parental family member. If one of the identical twins develops a genetic disorder, there is a 48% chance that the other twin will. Environmental factors play a point, so we tend to talk about individuals having a predisposition to develop a disorder. This will emerge if the environmental is favourable. A genetic predisposition to anxiety could start at a young age, studies have shown that when anxiety develops before age 20, close relatives are more likely to have anxiety too. Researchers have tried to understand the genetics behind anxiety disorders by looking at whether relatives have the same anxiety disorder. Researchers are learning that anxiety disorder run in families, and that they have a biological bias. It may develop from a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality and life events. Specific chromosomes have been found linked to