The Book Of Revelation Paper

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The Book of Revelation is complex to understand, but it provides Jesus prophesy for humanity. It provides us an alert on what is going to happen in the future to come. In this paper I will provide a detail point of view on what is told in each verse, from the first to the six, is informing us what happen during the 1,000-year millennium. I will also take someone else point of view and provide a concurrence or denial on his or her view. All humanity will be saved when Christ returns. This Book also covers His conclusive adjudication of the people by strengthening the prominence of faithfulness and the hypothesis of Christianity. A larger body of prophetic writings is dedicated to the subject of the millennium, which develops their character …show more content…

In this verse we can appreciate that an Angel is coming from heaven to bound Satan. I was able to appreciate in multiple location on the website, that this Angel is not Jesus nor is Gabriel or Michael. The name is not provided, but is an Angel that God has trusted the task to bound Satan. God has given authority and power to this anonymous Angel. The discover revelation states, “This "angel" is not Jesus Himself but is a ministering spirit that Jesus has given authority to” . I concur with this author in regards of this Angel. It is clear that there can be neither shall there be any theocratic kingdom without personal manifest presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. As promised, all that era dependent on His return to earth. All that existed in the millennium will come from the King to be revealed. The millennium is the period of the full manifestation of the glory of Jesus Christ. The glory associated with the humanity of Christ was manifested. He will attend the glory of a glorious domain, which Christ, by virtue of his obedience unto death, shall be given to restore what Adam lost. He will attend the glory of a glorious domain, where Christ as the son of David, will be given absolute power to govern. Will attend the glory of a glorious inheritance, in which the earth and the promised seed of Abraham will be fulfilled through …show more content…

After the coming of Christ and the events, Satan will be bound and imprisoned for a thousand years; therefore, he should not deceive the nations. That implies a total suspension of its influence during that time. After the thousand years, he shall be loosed for a short time to deceive those who unorthodox against God's government. The main Satan’s characteristic is deceptive. Satan, as god of this world, has carried out his work to defeat the purpose and program of God. The millennial age should be the age when divine justice is manifested. It should also be the final proof that God will give fallen humanity in the most ideal circumstances. Any external source of temptation must be removed, hence; that man can show what is outside the satanic influence. Subsequently, you can be a full manifestation of justice and try humanity outside external temptation; Satan must be removed from the earth. Therefore, at the Second Coming of Christ, will be bound and removed from the scene during that millennial